Kiyan Shafieizadeh

Kiyan Shafieizadeh, Ph.D., CHIA - Assistant Professor - Hotel Management

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Languages: English, Persian

Areas of Expertise: Hotel Management, Sustainability, Hospitality Technology, Marketing and Sales, and Guest Service.

Alma Mater(s): Oklahoma State University

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Wednesdays 9-11 am, or by appointment

Meet Kiyan!

Kiyan Shafieizadeh has several years of experience across various sectors of the hospitality and tourism industry. Notably, he served as an Area Branch Manager for a large hotel chain prior to pursuing his Ph.D. Before joining MSU Denver, Kiyan taught at three universities, including Oklahoma State University. He also serves as the faculty advisor for the Hotel and Culinary Management Association (HCMA). His research interests include sustainability in lodging operations, the empowerment of underrepresented groups, hospitality and tourism technology, and consumer behavior within the hospitality and tourism sectors.

Selected Publications

  1. Alotaibi, S., Shafieizadeh, K., & Alsumait, K. (2024). Customers’ perceptions toward service robots at restaurants: The moderating role of consumer innovativeness and the mediating role of perceived hedonic benefits. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 25(5), 1465-1487.
  2. Davie, L., Ogbeide, G. C., & Shafieizadeh, K. (2024). Leveraging Nature-Based Tourism for Sustainable Community Development and Destination Marketing: A Social Capital Theory Perspective. Events and Tourism Review, 7(1).
  3. Shafieizadeh, K., Alotaibi, S., & Tao, C. W. (2023). Information processing of food safety messages: what really matters for restaurant customers? International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(10), 3638-3661.
  4. Tao, C. W. W., Shafieizadeh, K., Sung, K. S., & Kwon, J. (2023). Influential factors toward the quality of dining services at continuing care retirement communities: Manager’s perspective. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 56, 60-68.
  5. Shafieizadeh, K., Alotaibi, S., & Tao, C. W. W. (2021). How do authenticity and quality perceptions affect dining experiences and recommendations of food trucks? The moderating role of perceived risk. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 93, 102800.
  6. Koemel, N. A., Shafieizadeh, K., & Farr, B. R. (2021). Career Readiness in the Dietetics Curriculum. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 121(1), 15-23.
  7. Shafieizadeh, K., & Tao, C. W. W. (2020). How does a menu’s information about local food affect restaurant selection? The roles of corporate social responsibility, transparency, and trust. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 43, 232-240.

School of Hospitality

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Email: [email protected]
