stephen barela

Stephen (Pronounced: Stef-en) Barela - Office Manager

Pronouns: He/Him/His

Languages: Primary language is English. I appreciate foreign languages and try to learn something new on a regular basis. I studied Spanish for 7 years and French for 2 years. I’m currently learning Arabic and interested in learning Korean.

Areas of Expertise: I’m especially fond of servant leadership, change management, and helping navigate organizational and personal change. I’m an active listener that appreciates connecting people with resources such as internship & employment opportunities, financial assistance, and various programs to help make college more manageable. I have a plethora of lived experiences and am always open to connecting with others. 

Alma Mater(s): MSU Denver College of Business

Office Hours: M-F 8:00am – 5:00pm

Meet Stephen!

I’m entering my 2nd year as the Office Manager of the School of Hospitality at MSU Denver after launching my 2nd career. Previously, I worked in management as a professional baker and cake decorator for 23 years. In 2016, I returned to college while working as a server in a restaurant and later received my bachelor’s degree in business management.

School of Hospitality

Located in the Hospitality Learning Center (HLC)

Address: 1190B Auraria Parkway Room 209

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Mailing Address:


School of Hospitality

PO Box 173362

Campus Box 60

Denver, CO 80217-3362

Contact Information:


Phone: 303-615-1616

Email: [email protected]
